鯉景灣 |
鯉景灣屋苑大維修實況 |
鯉景灣屋苑在2004年業主代表會已開始討論大維修,過了18年還未展開維修工程,原因何在呢?有否涉及欺詐、制造虛假文件、官商勾結等等問題呢? |
背景資料 |
太古地產集團使用其中一間附屬公司、 Braemar West Limited(BWL)、 在1985年從政府購入4 幅土地,分別是IL8672,8673,8674 和 8612,並以 Condition of Grant No. 11797,11798, 11799 和 11800 確認這 4 宗交易。隨後在這 4 幅土地發展商住建築物,並命名為鯉景灣。 在 1988 年6 月 21 日(B期),屋宇署簽發佔用許可證(俗稱入伙紙 Occupation Permit),隨後在 1988 年 6 月 30 日,BWL 與政府更改批地條款,從政府接收 3 幅土地,並替政府按政府規格興建綠化區,完成後交回給政府。但是直至現在,那 3 幅土地還未按政府規格興建 (這 3 幅土地運作涉及刑事罪行,將會在造假數網頁講解)。BWL 取得入伙紙之後,陸續準備相關法律文件去與買家完成購買相關單位手續。 整套樓宇交易文件中有一份大廈公契,這份文件詳細列出各業主的權利和責任。鯉景灣屋苑公契有一些特別條款,包括全體業主(不包括BWL)需要承擔 BWL 未賣出那些單位的維修責任、未賣出那些單位不需繳交管理費等等。 政府不認同這類不平等條款,並在 1992 年向立法局提出草案,修訂建築物管理條例,明確廢除這類不平等條款,並規定發展商必須與其他業主一樣承擔自己單位的維修責任和繳交管理費責任。 這個草案在 1993 年5 月通過成為法律,並在 1994 年中執行。 太古地產集團在 1993 年準備 4 份虛假物業交易轉讓契,並在 1994 年 4 月 19 日由 BWL 與鯉景灣物業管理有限公司 as Trustee for and on behalf of all the Owners (as defined in the Deed of Mutual Covenant (公契) of the Land and the said buildings 簽署,並在 1994 年 5 月 19 日打厘印,而在 1994 年 5 月 27 日在土地註冊處登記。這 4 份文件登記編號為 UB6020951, 6020952, 6020953 和 6020954。 這 4 份交易涉及保留地區,根據大廈公契,保留地區是指 Flat Roofs, Storerooms, Toilets, Airconditioning Plant Rooms, External Wall (外牆)等等。這 4 宗交易從來沒有得到全體業主授權或批准,更沒有知匯全體業主。 前任警務處處長、曾陰培、在 2003 年 12 月開始退休前渡假,未完成過冷河就在 2004 年 6 月加入當時是富城物業管理有限公司母公司之新創建集團為執行董事。在 2004 下半年,業主代表會開始非公開討論大維修,直至 2005 年 1 月有位業主代表向何超光講屋苑將會有大維修。 何超光沒有工程學歷和經驗,開始尋找在這方面知識和經驗的業主,很快就有多位業主提供協助。 經其他業主查看那位業主代表提供的文件,發現大維修包括大廈外牆、3 幅綠化區等等地方,並作出初步估計,每戶需要承擔 20 多萬元,令各業主關注這個大維修。 有另外一些業主開始搜索及查閱與屋苑有關文件,同時有傳聞流傳在屋苑內,這個傳聞是完成大維修後,屋苑樓價將會升3成,聽聞有業主鼓吹大維修。但是在 2005 年 9-10 月由何超光主持業主公開會議探討大維修問題,支持和反對兩方業主爭論中,太古地產集團僱員、Michael PRICE、作出公開承諾在未來 5 至10 年不進行大維修。從那時起,整個屋苑停止大維修爭論,而管理處幾位主要員工被調離屋苑,改由佘泰基及陳思嗚接管屋苑日常管理工作。 在 2010 年中,何超光回覆陳思嗚有關大維修提問,指出 Michael PRICE 答應在 5 - 10 內不做大維修。隨後管理處在業主代表會再提出大維修,並安排一份法律意見供業主們參考。 但是何超光不同意那些法律意見,並寫了一份有 33 頁回應書給管理處代為轉交給李郭羅律師行,讓律師行作出回應,管理處和律師行不作出任何回覆。 其後大維修就不了了之,無法繼續進行。 當佘泰基和陳思嗚離開屋苑後,由王國柱接任屋苑註埸最高領導人。在何超光查數期間,王國柱經過向其公司翻查所有紀錄,確認全體業主們並沒有支付那 4 份虛假物業轉讓契所指的交易款項,即那 4 份虛假物業轉讓契直至現在還未完成交易。 王國柱也嘗試推行大維修,也改用王冰儀大律師提供法律意見,但是又未能成功推動大維修,結果又是不了了之。不知什麼原因,王國柱突然離開屋苑管理工作。 王國柱離開後,Louis CHEUNG 接替王國柱的職務,期後由吳啟東承接屋苑註場最高負責人職務。 吳啟東有一個特性,就是不會正面回答問題,讓問題年年重複,達致業主們的損失年年加大,甚至違法活動經常發生。 在2022 年 11 月開始,更以快刀斬亂麻手法嘗試在業主大會上通過聘請顧問公司,期望展開工程。在資料冊內沒有指出多年來涉及爭議部份的各方論據。 何超光已向特首舉報管理公司進行欺詐,而特首已轉交警務處跟進。 |
來往電郵 |
特首 屋宇署 太古地產集團 富城物業管理有限公司 鯉景灣屋苑管理處 警務處 顧問公司 公開傳單 |
業權結構 |
鯉景灣在觀感上是一個屋苑,實情是4個獨立屋苑,分別是A、B、C 和 D 期,各自有自己獨立公契,沒有從屬關係,只是同時委任同一間物業管理公司而已。但是有一個特點是 4 份公契的內容基本上是相同,只是大廈名稱、業權份數、地段編號、單位數量等不同。 為了方便,鯉景灣 B 期公契(土地註冊處之文件註冊號號 3783301) 被選用作為個案來公開講解這宗欺詐案。 住宅部份有 552 個單位 佔 16,328 份業權 公契清楚規定,住宅、商舖、停車場和保留地方有相同獨家使用(exclusive use)、佔用(occupation) 和享用權 (enjoymnet) 權。 但是要小心注意,批地條款有3幅土地,分別坐落在大廈A、B、C入口前,也被稱為黃區。 這3幅土地是由政府擁有,並由政府負責保養,請參與地政總署之電郵。在日常物業管理方面,鯉景灣物業管理有限公司和富城物業管理有限公司每天都作出刑事罪行行為,例如欺詐、盜竊等等。這個題目將會在鯉景灣屋苑做假數網頁內交待。 |
公契 |
鯉景灣物業管理有限公司,另外也與民政事務總署公開資料庫相同。 |
日常管理 |
富城物業管理有限公司,被鯉景灣物業管理有限公司引用大廈公契第 9.03(m) 條來非公開任命 |
法律來源 |
合約法 代理人法律 土地法 建築物管理條例 盜竊罪條例 刑事罪行條例 公司條例 建築物條例 物業管理服務條例 |
涉案人士 |
鯉景灣物業管理有限公司 富城物業管理有限公司 |
涉及罪行 |
罪行案情 |
太古地產集團使用其中一間附屬公司、 Braemar
West Limited(BWL)、
在1985年從政府購入4 幅土地,分別是IL8672,8673,8674 和 8612,並以 Condition of Grant No. 11797,11798, 11799 和 11800 確認這 4 宗交易。隨後在這 4 幅土地發展商住建築物,並命名為鯉景灣。 在 1988 年6 月 21 日(B期),屋宇署簽發佔用許可證(俗稱入伙紙 Occupation Permit),隨後在 1988 年 6 月 30 日,BWL 與政府更改批地條款,從政府接收 3 幅土地,並替政府按政府規格興建綠化區,完成後交回給政府。BWL 一直未有按政府規格興建綠化區,導致地政總署未能夠簽發「合約完成證明書」(俗稱「滿意紙」)。過了11年,地政總署與 BWL 達成協議,當政府收回這3幅綠化區、包括保養和管理、後,BWL 就承擔代政府保養及管理綠化區。在這個安排放,地政總署就在1999年9月29日簽發滿意紙,這份滿意紙在1999年10月8日送達土地註冊處登記。 因這4幅土地未有合併為一幅土地來發展,而 BWL 為這4個發展項目起名「鯉景灣」,太古地產集團委任另外一間附屬公司、鯉景灣物業管理有限公司 (LKWML) 、為公契經理人。 因此令業主們和公眾人士產生誤會,4 期物業是同一屋苑,實情是 4 個獨立屋苑,但是 4 份大廈公契內容基本上是相同。 為了容易解釋這宗刑事罪行,鯉景灣 B 期被選中來講解案件細節。 屋苑住宅單位在建築期已安排預售,直至入伙紙發出後, BWL 安排各個住宅預購買家簽定物業轉讓契 (Assignment) 和其他關連文件,其中一份是大廈公契。 大廈公契是由 BWL 草議,並與第一位買家簽署,同時這份公契對其他隨後簽署相關樓宇文件的買家有約束力。這份大廈公契有多項不合理條款存在,但因受<物業轉易及財產條例>限制,這些大廈公契之不合理條款成為剝削小業主的工具。這些不合理條款被列出如下: 1. Clause 9.03 The Manager shall have the sole and absolute power and authority without reference to any of the Owners to do all or any of the following acts and things namely :- (f) To repair, maintain, clean, paint, or otherwise treat or decorate as appropriate, the structure and fabric of the Buildings and the exteral walls ........ 2. Clause 9.03 .........(z) To maintain the plants, trees, and shrubs plants or to be planted in the Planting Strip (as defined in Special Condition No.(34)(a)(i) of the Crown Grant) in accordance with Special Condition NO (34)(a)(ii) of the Crown Grant 3. Clause 11.02 The annual budget shall be in the folowing parts :- (a)(ii) The operation, maintenance, lighting, clenaing and repair of the Planting Strip (as defined in Special Condition NO. (34)(1)(i) of the Crown Grant) and the trees, plants and shrubs thereof and all loading and unloading areas of the Buildings 4. Clause 11.02 .......(a)(iv) The balance of the mainenance cost and expenditure for mantaining and keeping (in compliance with Special Condition No. 4(i) of the Crown Grant) the area coloured yellow on the plan annexed to the Crown Grant in clean, nest and tidy condition all to the satisfaction of the Director of Lnads after tanking into account the contriutiions made by the owners of the other sites of Lei King Wan (i.e. the owners of Inland Lots Nos. 8672, 8612, and 8674) 5. Clause 11.02 ....(a)(v) One-fourth of the maintenance cost and expenditure for maintaining and keeping the areas respectively shown coloured yellow on the plans respectively annexed to the Conditions of Grant No. 11797 (in respecyt of Inland Lot No. 8672), the Conditions of Grant No. 11800 (in respect of Inland Lot No. 8612) and the Conditions of Grant 11799 (in respect of Inland Lot No. 8674) in a clean, nest and tidy condition all to the satisfaction of the Director of Buildings and Lands in compliance with Sepcial Condition No. 4)1) of each of the said Conditions of Grant 6. Clause 11.02.....(b)(i) one-fourth of the total expenditure for the proper management cleaning mainenance upkeep and repair of all structures and facilitie (including without limitation to covered walkways, planters sittings, leisure facilities and landscaping) erected on, installed in, or affixed to the neigbouring Crown lands for the benefit use and enjoyment of the entire four sites of Lei King Wan erected on the Land and All Those places or parcels of ground kwon as Inland Lot Nos. 8672, 8674 and 8612, and of all commual facilities in any one or more of the aforesaid four Sites of Lei King Wan which are provided for the benefit use and enjoyment of all the owners of entire four Sites of Lei King Wan 7. Clause 11.02....(b)(vii) the costs of lighting, repairing, maintaining, managing, cleaning, plainting and decorating and keeping in good condition the Car Park and the Car Parking Spaces and the Retained Areas which are beneficially owned by the Assignor or the Associated Companies and are vacant or the exclusive right to the use occupation and enjoyment of which has bee (without charge) assigned or licenced to or tenanted by the Manager 8. Clause 11.02...(b)(ix) the costs of repairing, maintaining, cleaning, painting and decorating the external parts of the Lands and the Buildings or any part or parts thereof (including the exteral walls of the Buildings which include (without limitations) all planters, air-conditioning hoods, canopies, cornices, eaves and all other structures and projections (excluding any advertising signs, chimneys and their related projections, masts, aerials, lighting and other fixtures erected under Clause 4.01(c) above or erected by Shop Owners under Clause 8.01(c), (d) or (f) above) erected thereon or thereto attached or annexed) 9. Cluase 11.02...(c) The third part shall cover all expenditure which in the opinion of the Manager (which opinioin shall be binding and conclusive for all purposes) is specifically referable to the Shop (including for the purpose those Retained Areas which are licenced or let to any person (other than to the Manager) for the purpose of using it as Shop or in connection with a Shop) of the Buildings plus the Manager's remuneration at 15% of such expenditure. Such expeniture shall include (without limitations) wich proportionate part of the general expenditure for the cost of staff and security forces, of the charges for the supply of flushing water and lighting and removal and disposal of rubbish and garbage as the Manager shall consider fair and reasonable, such expenditure and such Manager's remuneration shall be borne by all Shop Owners 10. Clause 11.02...(d) The fourth part shall cover all expenditure which in the opinion of the Manager (whose opinion shall be binding an conclusive for all purposes) is specificially referable to the Car Park or Car Parking Spaces (including for this purpose those Retained Areas which are licenced or let to any person (other than to the Manager) for the purpose of using it as Car Parking Spaces or in connection with Car Parking Spaces) plus the Manager's remuneration at 15% of such expenditure. Such expenditure shall include such proportionate part of the general expenditure for the cost of staff and security forces and for lighting of the Car Park or such Car Parking Spaces and for the removal and disposal of rubbish and garbage therefrom as the Manager shall consider fair and reasonable, such expenditure and such Manager's remuneration shall be borne by Owners of the Car Park or such Car Parking Spaces 11. Clause 11.02...(e) If the Manager so desires and thinks fit to do, the annual budget shall include a fifth part which shall cover all expenditure which is the opinion of the Manager (whose opinion shall be binding and conclusive for all purposes) is specifically refereable to those Units or those Retained Areas which are licenced or let to any person (other than the Manager) and are not to be used as or in connection with a Flat or a Shop or a Car Parking Spaces plus the Manager's remuneration at 15% such expenditure 12. Cluase 11.04 (page 48) Provided However That notwithstanding any provision to the contrary herein contained : - (i) whilst any Retained Areas and/or the Car Park and/or any Car Parking Spaces and/or any Shops which are beneficially owned by the Assignor specifically named in this Deed or the Associated Companies and are vacant or the exclusive right to the use occupation and enjoyment of which are (without charge) assigned or licensed to or tenanted by the Manager, then the Owners of such Retained Areas and/or the Car Park and/or Car Parking Spaces and/or Shops shall in respect of the Undivided Shares allocated thereto not be obliged to pay any contributio to the annual adopted budget or other Management Charges or contributions and such Undivided Shares shall not be counted for all of the above purpose; and 13. Clause 11.04 .....(ii) whilst any flats of the Buildings are beneficially owned by the Assignor specifically named in this Deed or the Associated Companies and are vacat, the Owners of such Flats shall in respect of each Undivided Share allocated thereto pay only 25% of the contributions to the annual adopted budget and of all other Management Charges and contributions (if any) and only one-fourth of all such Undivided Shares shall be counted for all the above purpose 14. Clause 11.10 There shall be established and maintained by the Manager a Capital Equipment Fund towards payment of expenses of a capital nature for the replacement of installations, systems, equipment and apparatus within the Common Areas and the Common Services and Facilities. Each Owner (excluding the Assignor specifically named in this Deed and the Associated Companies and the Manager) shall pay to the Manager on the first day of each ad every calendar month commencing on such date and year as the Manager may at its absolute discretion determine such sum being proportionate to the number of equal Undivided Shares owned by him as shall be necessary to establish or maintain the said Capital Equipment Fund at such level as the Manager shall deem appropriate Provided That suh sum shall be deposited in an interest being bank acount 15. Clause 11.11 Each Owner other than the Assignor specifically named in this Deed and the Associated Companies and its parent, subsidiary or associated companies and the Manager shall pay and contribute to the Manager a deposit equivalent to 3 months' Management Charges payable by him based on the budget referred to in Clause 11.01 as security against his liabilities under this Deed. All deposit moneys shall be placed if and whenever possible, in an interest-bearing bank account. The said deposit shall not be set off by any Owner against any payment to be made by him hereunder 16. Clause 17.03 The Assignor and the Manager shall not be liable for any loss or damage however caused arising from any non-enforcement of such building rules or non-observance thereof by any third party 17. Clause 19.02 The benefit and burden of the covenants and provisions of this Deed shall be annexed to and run with every part of the Land of every Building and all Undivided Shares held therewith. The Conveyancing and Property Ordinance (Cap. 219) and any statutory amendments, modifications or re-enanctment thereof for the time being in force shall apply to these presents 這些不合理條款被發展商運用在土地法之漏洞,廣泛用於大型屋苑發展項目,因此香港政府在1992年 |
法定維修 |
維修責任是由大廈公契、建築物管理條例、建築物條例來規管。大廈公契通常是由發展商制訂,並與第一位買家簽定後,該大廈公契的條例對全體業主有約束力,包括那些不平等和荒謬條款。政府過往多次修改法例,去廢除大廈公契那些不平等和荒謬條款,令小業主可以稍為得到多些平等地位。但是大部份小業主不瞭解問題,經常被物業管理公司以不同手法來詐騙,其中有些不良律師以「似是而非」的法律意見從旁協助。 在這宗欺詐案,嘗試公開管理公司的詐騙手法。 住宅單位 商舖單位 停車場單位 保留地方單位 公共地方和公共設施 |
維修令 |
屋宇署以建築事務監督身份確實,他們沒有發出強制驗樓令 |
證據 |
結論 |
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